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E: info@matchaccounting.co.uk

Gemma’s Blog: My first 3 months at MATCH

“It seems like only days ago that I nervously attended my interview and met Chris and Aimee for the first time.

I remember immediately feeling comfortable in their presence and being bowled over by their enthusiasm and ambition.

I knew immediately that they were offering the very role I’d been looking for; I was searching for a practice that put client relationships at the heart of their business and possessed a genuine desire to help businesses to thrive. It was with honest excitement when, a few days later, I was offered the role of Client Manager here at MATCH accounting.

Three months into my new role, I can say that the job has been everything I was hoping for and more. My daily workload is varied, from statutory accounts to VAT returns, management accounts bookkeeping, payroll and more.

I am also benefitting greatly from both Chris and Aimee’s wealth of experience and knowledge. They have both been incredibly supportive with my studies, I’ve recently sat my tenth ACCA exam and both Chris and Aimee provided a friendly and understanding ear whenever I felt overwhelmed and wanted to throw my study books out of the window!

I have already had the pleasure of meeting some of our lovely clients and I’m really looking forward to meeting more of you over the coming months. More importantly, I’m looking forward to being part of your journey, to helping you achieve your goals and seeing your businesses to grow.”
