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Now’s the time to really think about CASH

Although some events are not entirely predictable, how we plan our way through them can be.


A discussion we have been having with clients’ recently has been around how they can forecast what the next 90 days will look like from a cash point of view.  Questions such as ‘will I need finance and when?’ and ‘what happens if I am able to negotiate better credit terms?’ can be answered by completing a simple cashflow forecast.


Below are some links to a simple cashflow forecast you can make your own and a quick video about how to get started:

Download forecast here

Watch Video here


Once you have completed one for your business, hopefully you will have a clearer view of what your plan will be for the next 90 days.


Whilst you are at it, why not complete one for your personal finances too.  Cashflows are not just for businesses.


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Let us know if you have any questions or require any assistance.

Everyone @ MATCH Accounting