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Dext – Handy Tips for Seamless Bookkeeping

If MATCH handles your bookkeeping, read on ahead – otherwise feel free to sit this one out.


What was Dext again?

MATCH uses Dext for all our bookkeeping clients.

Formerly known as Receipt Bank, this time-saving software automatically extracts data from your invoices, receipts and bank statements whether they are emailed, scanned askew or even a low-quality photo of a crumpled piece of paper – it’s pretty clever and drastically reduces manual input.

It lets you set rules per supplier and “publish” these to your accounting software.


The Mobile App

While the Web version lets you upload into 3 categories: Costs, Sales or Bank, you can only upload photos into Costs via the app.

The aim is to quickly snap photos of your receipts on the go, before they get scrunched-up or lost.

The app is available here for iOS and Android devices.


Top Tips For Uploading

Bank Statements
– Use the web version > click Add Documents
– Be sure to click “Bank” and select the account before uploading


Sales Receipts
– Use the web version > click Add Documents
– Be sure to click “Sales” before uploading


Expense Receipts
– Use the mobile app
– Photograph each receipt separately if they are unrelated


Various Related Documents
These could be:
o an itemised receipt plus a card receipt for the same purchase.
o an invoice plus the matching card receipt.

– Use the mobile app.
– A) Photograph them all together in 1 image.
– B) Take several photos and combine into 1 upload:
Press “Add Doc” as usual to reach the camera screen, then above the trigger press “Combine”. Take a photo of each item then click Review.


Unclear / One-Off purchases
– If you’ve made an unusual purchase, to a new supplier or with unclear details, pop a note in the description to help us know how to categorise it for you.


Emailing Your Documents

Items sent to your main Dext email address are automatically sent to Costs.

You’ll have a separate email address to send Sales items to, visible in My Profile > My Details > Email-in Address.
If MATCH publishes your Dext for you, we’ll spot any errors and correct them.

Alternatively, view the item within Costs, click Tools > Convert to Sales.


We hope this helps but if you have any trouble or questions feel free to get in touch and we’ll be happy to assist.



MATCH is working hard to keep on top of all the latest news and government support so, as always, feel free to get in touch if you have any queries and we’ll be happy to help.


MATCH Accounting Limited